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Tag: Ongoing project

RHWA Rotary HandsAcrossWater project

Global Grant D2490 Israel, edition , 2021: Emanuil Gojdu College, 2nd Edition 2022: Emanuil Gojdu College and Iuliu Maniu Greek-Catholic High School Purpose: to sensitize the young generation...

"Youth Without old age"

The collaboration between the Oradea Art Nouveau Rotary Club and the Philanthropy Association within the "Youth without old age" project this year brought a lot of joy both...


The school library from Pietroasa came to life! – The first library built A new project of the Oradea Art Nouveau Rotary Club. Reading with the book in hand, playing...

"Cross- health for the book".

Childhood, family, friendship, team, sport, nature, book, altruism, all of these were the ingredients of an unforgettable June 1st. We thank you, those who...


TEACH-ON is a project to support the teaching staff in the pre-university education in Bihor to strengthen the skills of working with students on the component...

"Let's not forget the seniors"

"Let's not forget the seniors" project started by Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau in December 2020 continues this year as well. Let's help people...

Adopt an Art Nouveau gate

In the whole of a building, the gate plays not only a functional role, but also a symbolic one. It is the threshold that marks the passage between the outer and the inner space, protected...