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About us


it is a non-governmental organization, independent from all state bodies, formations of the political institutional system as well as from other socio-professional institutions and associations, apolitical, non-profit, with legal personality. ROTARY CLUB ORADEA ART NOUVEAU is a member of Rotary International.

The fundamental principles of the activity of the ROTARY CLUB ORADEA ART NOUVEAU are: equality of rights, unity, democracy, solidarity, respect for different values and cultures, full autonomy and autonomous representation of members, transparency on the activities and results of the association both towards members, collaborators, as well as with partners.

Purpose and object of activity

The object of the ROTARY CLUB ORADEA ART NOUVEAU is to encourage and support the ideal of serving as the basis of an honorable enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and support:
  • I. Developing knowledge as an opportunity to serve;
  • II. High ethical standards in business and professions; recognizing the value of all useful occupations; and ennobling the occupation of each Rotarian as an opportunity to serve society;
  • III. Applying the ideal of serving in the personal, professional and community life of each Rotarian;
  • IV. The promotion of international understanding, goodwill and peace through the friendly relations of people from different professions, united under the ideal of service.







The purpose of the ROTARY CLUB ORADEA ART NOUVEAU. Five Ways to Serve.

Rotary's Five Ways of Service represent the philosophical and practical framework for the work of this Rotary club:
  • I. Service for the Club,

    The first way to serve involves the action a club member must take to support the successful operation of the club.
  • II. Vocational Service,

    the second way to serve, has the role of promoting high ethical standards in business and professions, recognizing the value of all useful occupations and considering each Rotarian's profession as an opportunity to serve. Club members must respect Rotary principles in their personal and professional lives.
  • III. Community Service,

    the third way to serve, includes various efforts that members must make, sometimes in collaboration with others, to improve the quality of life of the people who live in the locality or municipality where the club is located.

  • IV. International Service,

    the fourth way to serve, includes those activities that members must do to promote international understanding, goodwill and peace by fostering the knowledge of new people from other countries, their cultures, customs, achievements, aspirations and problems, through reading and correspondence and through cooperation in all club activities and projects intended to support people from other countries.
  • V. The New Generation Service,

    the fifth way to serve, recognizes the positive change brought by young people through their involvement in leadership activities, community and international service projects and exchange programs that improve and promote international peace and cultural understanding.