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Dragobete charterable 2025
February 24, 2025 6:00 PM,
Oradea State Philharmonic

Dragobete Caritabil 6th edition
- "Love of yesterday and today"

We invite you to participate in the music and poetry show "Love of Yesterday and Today" - Dragobete Caritabil, 6th edition, organized by the Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau,  in collaboration with The Music Department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Oradea, with the participation of actor Sebastian Lupu (known online as "Omul Oamenilor").


"Let's not forget the seniors"

March 11, 2021

"Let's not forget the seniors"project started by Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau in December 2020 continues this year. 

To help the people who carved paths before us, to show them that we have not forgotten them is a joy for both us and our grandparents. Grandparents who, although they only held our little hands for a while, hold our hearts for eternity.

After in December we turned into little Santas and tried to offer a little joy to our seniors, this year in January we came again to support them, their health by offering them much needed nutritional supplements especially now during this difficult period for all of us.

February brought us together again. We gave the seniors a sofa and two armchairs for their living room, to make the living space where they spend a lot of time together as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

We want to show the seniors at the "Grandparents' House" in Miersig that we have not forgotten them, because those who forget their elders, i.e. the past, have no future.

Oradea Art Nouveau Rotary Club wants to diversify the actions within the project"Let's not forget the seniors"through human interaction, various activities and collaborations with such senior homes thus bringing a ray of light into their lives. Grandparents are people with silver in their hair and gold in their souls, and no effort is too great for their material and spiritual well-being.
