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Dragobete charterable 2025
February 24, 2025 6:00 PM,
Oradea State Philharmonic

Dragobete Caritabil 6th edition
- "Love of yesterday and today"

We invite you to participate in the music and poetry show "Love of Yesterday and Today" - Dragobete Caritabil, 6th edition, organized by the Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau,  in collaboration with The Music Department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Oradea, with the participation of actor Sebastian Lupu (known online as "Omul Oamenilor").


July 2023 ROTARY CLUB Oradea Art Nouveau

August 1, 2023

EDUCATION CAMP THROUGH ART - THEATER aimed at children from rural schools in Bihor county.

Rotary Art Nouveau encourages and supports projects that create value through education – our children's future and ours at the same time. This time, as a continuation of our actions, we turned our attention to a different kind of education - the non-formal one. Through our action, we addressed the students from the Secondary School in Madăras and those from the Secondary School in Uileacu de Beiuș, where, in another project, we rehabilitated the school libraries. Now we have offered students from grades 5-8 an encounter with the world of theater.

The camp was organized in collaboration with the Regina Maria Theater and the Artemotion Theater in Oradea. The children met the world of poetry with the support of poet Codruța Vancea, Rotary Art Nouveau member. Then with the world of the Puppet Theater with the support of the actress Consuela Egyed. They discovered secrets from the world of film and cartoon dubbing with the help of actor Petre Ghimbăşan. The students played theater under the guidance of actor Sebastian Lupu. On the last day of the camp, the little actors performed on the Arcadia Theater stage.

In this camp, the attention of the invited specialists was focused on teamwork, managing emotions, freedom of expression, vocal delivery and diction. Actress Mirela Niță Lupu, a member of the Oradea Art Nouveau Rotary Club, helped the children to discover what is behind the scenes, how many creative artists are involved in making a show, how many professions join hands to make a theater show and how much passion exists in the team, also using the book "The diary of a story or how I became a puppet show for children" 

 Together with the pedagogue and psychologist Claudia Morar from the American-Romanian Primary School, also a member of the Oradea Art Nouveau Rotary Club, they had interactive, funny and challenging activities with the aim of getting to know each other better and relating in different contexts. 

The students at the camp also had a meeting with children with special needs and participated in exciting interactive activities together. The purpose of this activity was to help children understand the importance of Pay it Forward and that there is a world of diversity that is part of our lives. 

            In the camp program there were also the city tour by bus, visiting the Oradea citadel, visiting the Queen Maria Theater and the Arcadia Theater and watching a children's theater show.


On the International Day of Friendship, we, Rotary Art Nouveau, celebrated Friendship with the mountain, with the forest, with the caves through benevolent and selfless actions.

Between July 27-30, 2023, I participated in the Training Internship held in Apuseni Natural Park and we became Volunteer Rangers.

During this extended weekend, under the coordination of the Director of the Administration of the Apuseni Natural Park, Alin Moș, together with the Rangers of the Apuseni Natural Park, we created a new face at the entrance to Vârtop Glacier Cave, that is, we widened the entrance path to the cave, made wooden benches for visitors to rest on, made the guide's wooden house, and enjoyed teamwork for our peers. We were instructed about what the Apuseni Natural Park means, we met Mr. Giuseppe Petruzzo- Progettista Culturale from Associazione di Promoționale Sociale Eculturamente in Italy, we learned more about ecotourism, ecomuseum, we visited Coiba Mare Cave, Ghetarul Cave, Scărișoara, we were on the Călineasa set, we met Folk Craftsmen, we saw how the people of these communities live and we tried to discover what we can do for their betterment. 

The natural and national parks of Romania must benefit from the support of all of us, because they also exist for the benefit of the people. Through our involvement in voluntary actions that support the activities of the Administration of the Apuseni Natural Park, we want to provide an example of attitude and responsibility through which we hope to determine as many of our fellows as possible to develop their resoect for nature and their responsibilities for a better environment clean, a healthier life and a better life for generations to come.

We would like to thank our colleague Monica costa for the initiative, to director Alin Moș for the opening, and to the Rangers of the Apuseni Natural Park for their involvement.

The members of Rotakids Oradea were with us and proved that they are capable of involvement and dedication, who showed work power and passion.

We are positively charged because of the wonders we have seen and fulfilled because of the time spent together in nature among friends! 

"Life is beautiful when you are happy, but life is even better when others are happy because of you."


Rotary friendship knows no borders....continents!

What can make a conversation about community, development, challenges in education be natural between people from Romania and from South Africa, who see each other for the first time in their lives? There is only one answer: Rotary!

Between July 28 and 30, Oradea Art Nouveau Rotary Club had the pleasure of having as guests the members of the Riverside Rotary Club of South Africa Friendships are easily formed between people who share the same values and have the same goal: to do good.

Deisre and Johann du Toit gave us the joy of visiting our city and setting up, together with Sorina and Emil Bradea, members of Rotary Oradea Art Nouveau and Rotary Oradea, mutual visits and joint projects. We discovered that we share the same ideas about how we can make the clubs work well, we learned from each other what we could do better, we shared ideas and challenges related to the need for the development of small rural producers but also the limited access to continuing education for children in villages and for educators in those areas. At the same time, we investigated the possibility of doing impactful projects together in the two regions so far apart but with such similar needs!

Desire is a businesswoman, coordinates 60 employees, believes that socializing is an essential part of the life of a Rotary club and that dedication and volunteering are in the heart of every Rotarian. Johann, an experienced pharmacist, looks at the world through the eyes of a man who sees physical and mental health as equally important and dedicates his time and energy to projects that support well-being both in his community and in communities in India.

If we accept that we can always learn something new and that good practices can be found all over the world, as Rotary International we can have a significant impact in the communities we are part of and this year's motto, Create Hope in The World, will continue let it be a reality!

The next step: the exchange of Rotarians in the following year, between Romania and South Africa, with the two clubs as promoters. The goal is to get to know each other better in order to be able to do meaningful projects together and, last but not least, to strengthen friendships!!
