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Dragobete charterable 2025
February 24, 2025 6:00 PM,
Oradea State Philharmonic

Dragobete Caritabil 6th edition
- "Love of yesterday and today"

We invite you to participate in the music and poetry show "Love of Yesterday and Today" - Dragobete Caritabil, 6th edition, organized by the Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau,  in collaboration with The Music Department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Oradea, with the participation of actor Sebastian Lupu (known online as "Omul Oamenilor").


"Governor's Hour" Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau

October 24, 2024
Rotary Art Nouveau

"Governor's Hour" is a good opportunity to emphasize the importance of friendship within Rotary clubs.

On October 24, the Rotary Clubs of Bihor County gathered for the annual meeting with the Governor of District 2241 Romania and the Republic of Moldova, this year, Mihaela Vlad.

Of course, the youngest Rotarians in the county were also present at this meeting., Rotakids Oradea as well as the young interactants, Interact Art Nouveau Oradea.

Beyond the continuation of existing district projects and proposals for new district projects, the focus of the discussions was on the friendship that binds us in our diversity, on the quality atmosphere in the clubs, on the importance of the contribution of our diversity to the quality of the implemented projects, and on the presentation of our projects in the community, a presentation that generates trust, and trust brings resources in the future.

The Magic of Rotary is the theme of the Rotary year 2024–2025, a theme that guides Rotary actions this year. #TheMagicofRotary

We, Rotary Art Nouveau, this year, having as our President Maria Pop Ghergheleș, through our actions and projects: Art Education Camp, Hearts' Promenade, Euforia - campaign against drug use, Healthy Men in Healthy Bodies, Santa's Gift, Charitable Dragobete, etc. we want to generate good deeds, give light, create hope in our communities, and carry forward the mission of Rotary.

"Life is beautiful when you are happy, but life is even better when others are happy because of you."
