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Dragobete charterable 2025
February 24, 2025 6:00 PM,
Oradea State Philharmonic

Dragobete Caritabil 6th edition
- "Love of yesterday and today"

We invite you to participate in the music and poetry show "Love of Yesterday and Today" - Dragobete Caritabil, 6th edition, organized by the Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau,  in collaboration with The Music Department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Oradea, with the participation of actor Sebastian Lupu (known online as "Omul Oamenilor").


Friendship without borders

October 6, 2020

Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau vUm invite you to be our partners

and to support the EDUCATION of our children!

Friendship without borders

Dear partners,

Thus, we are pleased to present another project dear to the Oradea Art Nouveau Rotary Club: "Friendship without borders".

Together with the School from Cociuba Mare we started the project " Educational Equipment for Cociuba Mare School" and thanks to the goals and the way the entire teaching staff got involved, we obtained a funding of 5,502 USD (4,655 euros) from our colleagues at the Rotary Club of Westbrook-Gorham, .

The project has two main objectives:

  1. The provision of 10 laptops, 10 licenses, 10 antiviruses, 1 printer and 1 multifunction device necessary for the interactive learning process for grades 7 and 8 (over 280 children in total - students and kindergarten)
  2. Together we learn history, tradition and foreign languages - work groups formed online between students and teachers from Cociuba Mare and the school from Westbrook-Gorham. This second part is based on the voluntary involvement of students and teachers and the support given by the members of the two partner clubs.

The total budget of the project is 7,306 euros so we are in a situation where to make the final purchase we still need 2,650 euros. We know that it is a difficult situation from an economic point of view, because of this pandemic, on the other hand, children represent our future as a country and, especially rural schools, they really need us! Any amount to help us purchase everything we set out to do is welcome!

We invite you to join us in this project and be a support for those who want to learn and who do not have access to technology (it should be noted that there is Internet, Wi-Fi connection provided by the City Hall).


Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau thanks you for your attention and hopes to win your trust, sympathy and support in the development of our projects.
