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"The Table of the Poor"

November 26, 2023
Table of the poor Rotary Art Nouveau

"The table of the poor", yes, there is such a thing, and there are also beneficiaries, people who need such support. 

At the initiative of our colleague Dana Ionașcu, Assistant Governor Rotary District 2241 Romania and the Republic of Moldova, on Saturday November 26, 2023 some members of the Art Nouveau Rotary Club got involved in this project.

Dana Ionașcu testified that: "we initiated and sponsored this action wanting, together with the colleagues and friends from Rotary Art Nouveau, to bring a touch of good to the distressed on the eve of the holidays and as a sign of appreciation for those involved in the Poor's Meals Campaign. "

Rotary Art Nouveau members got involved in preparing the food (120 portions were cooked) and distributing it. 

I felt it was the Mass of Goodwill. 

We can, we want, we succeed. Together.

Cristina Marinau, Rotary Art Nouveau President 2023-2024 said that "this action showed me what teamwork means, each of us found our place, we were efficient, fast and cheerful. The reason we came together brought us even closer, creating an even stronger bond between us!”

The Masa Săracilor Oradea campaign aimed to provide a hot meal every week for disadvantaged families in Oradea. The campaign is coordinated by Iulian Stan, in collaboration with the Bihor Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and the Oradea Philanthropy Association. The action takes place at the Day Center for people with disabilities in Oradea, str. Buzăului, no. 2.

"Life is beautiful when you are happy, but life is even better when others are happy because of you."

Rotary Art Nouveau Poor Table