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Dragobete charterable 2025
February 24, 2025 6:00 PM,
Oradea State Philharmonic

Dragobete Caritabil 6th edition
- "Love of yesterday and today"

We invite you to participate in the music and poetry show "Love of Yesterday and Today" - Dragobete Caritabil, 6th edition, organized by the Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau,  in collaboration with The Music Department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Oradea, with the participation of actor Sebastian Lupu (known online as "Omul Oamenilor").


"Rotary is also about vocational"

November 13, 2023
Rotary is also about vocational

Rotary is about doing good and creating hope in the world. 

But Rotary is also about Vocational, about learning and development!

During our meeting on Monday 13 November with the support of our colleague and friendship Sorina Bradea we had the opportunity to get to know each other better, to discover and rediscover each other. Her presentation about behavioral models, their necessity in personal or business development won us over. 

Thank you Sorina for being what you are with us.

"Life is beautiful when you are happy, but life is even better when others are happy because of you."

Create Hope in the World.
