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Dragobete charterable 2025
February 24, 2025 6:00 PM,
Oradea State Philharmonic

Dragobete Caritabil 6th edition
- "Love of yesterday and today"

We invite you to participate in the music and poetry show "Love of Yesterday and Today" - Dragobete Caritabil, 6th edition, organized by the Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau,  in collaboration with The Music Department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Oradea, with the participation of actor Sebastian Lupu (known online as "Omul Oamenilor").


Twinning across Oceans!

February 2, 2022

The year 2022 started for us Rotary Art Nouveau, with great joy. Rotary Club of Westbrook-Gorham and Oradea Art Nouveau Rotary Club twinned, the two clubs having a spiritual Rotarian basis – Serve Above Self, as well as the principles of the four ways. Sorina Bradea, Acting President and Kathi Perkins, Immediate Past President, they signed twinning agreement in the presence of the members of the two clubs. The over 6000 km, the physical distance, did not matter because the partnership was based on friendship, visits and joint projects! We look with optimism and confidence towards future projects, with hope in friendship without borders and with joy towards the ideals that bind us! The year 2022 has begun for us Rotary Art Nouveau, with great joy. Rotary Club Westbrook-Gorham and Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau have intertwined, both clubs based on the Rotarian spirit – Serve Above Self, as well as the principles of the four ways. Sorina Bradea, Acting Presidentnt, and Kathi Perkins, Immediate Past President, signed the twinning agreement in the presence of the members of the two clubs. The distance, greater than 6000km, did not matter, as the partnership was made on the basis of friendship, visits and joint projects! We look with optimism and confidence towards future projects, with hope in friendship without borders and with joy towards the ideals that bind us!
